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Are you sick and tired of waking up in the morning feeling exhausted? Are you interested getting rid of the fat hanging below your arms or slimming down the waist to fit into your favorite pants or look good and younger to any event you attend? Why not change your life style now and hire a trainer to guide you into a healthier life! I am here to push you, keep you on your exercise routine, motivate you, support you, and educate you on certain things that requires hours of research if you do it on your own. With my diverse style of training, I can promise you that you will get everything you need out of my training method. 


But wait! Having a trainer doesn't mean you're off the hook. You have to meet me half way. Like a professor in college or a simple teacher, they can only do so much for you before YOU have to take action. YOU have to make the change. We cannot hold your hand. YOU have to make that choice of how many days you're willing to put all your efforts into exercising without a trainer. Remember that you will get what you want based on how much you want it. I can push you as hard as I can but if you aren't willing to make some sacrifices or put in 110% every time you meet with a trainer, then your result will suffer.


Unless you're able to train with a trainer for 3-4x a week, then and only then you are excused from doing anything on your own. But wait! there's more! Nutrition and portion control plays a huge role, about 70%, into your weight loss goals; now THAT you have to control on your own. I cannot be there 24/7 to watch what you eat but I can guide you away from what you should NOT eat. So take that step to change your life. Change to become better, stronger, and healthier. Why wait when you can start now!? It's simple, but its not easy. However, I know you have the power in you to make this change.




Get a 1 on 1 session with a Fitness Professional to help reach your goals. It is never too late to take that first step in feeling better, looking better, and sleeping better. Remember, "A thousand miles begins with a single step". 

 Weight Loss


Interested in shedding those few extra pounds? Hire a trainer who specializes in weight loss goals in order to help guide you into the right direction of getting rid of the stomach fat, underarm fat, and thigh fat for good.



Does it feel like you hit a plateau and not getting stronger? Hire a trainer who understands the mechanics of improving your strength within a month! 



Do you want to be able to jump higher or sprint/punch faster and harder? Some people make the mistake of saying strength = power but that's wrong. Hire a trainer to help guide you and educate you the differences between the two.

Speed, Agility, Quickness


Always sick of being crossed over in basketball or football? Hire a trainer to improve your reaction time with unique exercises that focuses on speed, agility, and quickness.



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